Ashton is among the most revered premium cigar brands in the world. Ashton cigars are handmade in the legendary Tabacalera A. Fuente factory in the Dominican Republic from only the finest aged tobaccos. Ashton has been a perennial “Top 3” brand in the U.S. for more than thirty years and is sold in over 60 countries. Brand founder Robert Levin created Ashton in the early 1980s. A highly respected veteran of the cigar industry, Levin grew up working in his father’s historic cigar shop, Holt’s Cigar Company, in Philadelphia. Levin successfully expanded the Ashton portfolio to satisfy the evolving tastes of cigar lovers with the introduction of several now-iconic blends, including the original Ashton Classic, Ashton Aged Maduro, Ashton Cabinet, Ashton VSG, Ashton ESG, and more. It is a formula the company follows closely to this day, adhering to the tenets of brand building, longevity, and tradition.