Coming from the Ventura Cigar Company, Pysko Seven cigars are crafted by Henke Kelner of Davidoff famed in the Dominican Republic. These unique Psyko cigars boast a six-country blend of premium long filler tobaccos covered by a rare and hard to grow Dominican wrapper that is available in both an EMS and a darker maduro varietal. When smoking the lighter wrapped Pysko 7 cigar, you will encounter a mellow smoke with flavors of leather, wood, coffee, and cream. The maduro line offers a bolder, yet still very smooth medium bodied profile. This coal black stick is rife with rich flavors of chocolate, pepper, espresso, and hints of dried fruit. Either way, you can count on a cigar with flawless construction, great burn and a nice easy draw that boasts a very pocket friendly price. Pysko Seven is a “crazy” good line of premium cigars that belongs on every smoker’s must-try list.